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How To Activate Your Account
To activate your account pick the use case below that best describes your particular circumstance.

Case 1: You got an automated message from OH4 (Estimated Completion Time = 5 minutes)

The OH4 system periodically scans social media sites and might send you an invitation if your social media footprint is a good match.  In this case, all you have to do is follow the instructions in the automated message and your account should be active almost instantly. Please note that invitations expire after 48 hours from the time they were sent to you, so the system might reject you even if you had a valid invitation at some point in the past.

Case 2: You personally know an existing OH4 member (Estimated Completion Time = 2 days)

Go to the main OH4 page, click on Register and fill in the form.  Then communicate with the existing OH4 member that you know personally, and tell her the OH4 name that you used during registration, and ask her to PM DanerysTargaryen to activate your account. 

Case 3: You have an extensive social media footprint (Estimated Completion Time = 5 days)

Your social media footprint is measured as the sum of personal active web pages that you have created and the average number of postings you write in a single day.  For the purposes of Case 3, an extensive social media footprint is defined as that sum yielding a score of 8 or above.

If you have an extensive social media footprint, then go to the main OH4 page, click on register and fill in the form.  Do not skip the part where it asks you about your social media links as that will be the main driver to determine your eligibility for OH4.  If the system determines that the information you entered is congruent, it will email you a 4 digit activation code within 48 hours.  Once you received the code (be sure to check all folders in your email client, besides inbox), go back to OH4 account page and add the 4 digit activation code in the field labeled activation_code.  If all goes well, your account will be activated 48 hours after that field is completed with the correct code.

Case 4: You have a well established social media account but limited social media footprint (Estimated Completion Time = 2 weeks)

If your social media score (as defined in the previous case) is too low, but you are a well established member of another social site (established, meaning you have been a member of that other site for more than 2 years), then you may request a manual activation of your OH4 account.  The process is as follows.  First, go to the OH4 main page, and select Register.  When registering, create the OH4 account with the exact same name as in your other well established social site account.  Then send an email to [email protected] with the subject "Phrase Request", and in the body of the email state the name of your OH4 account. Within a couple of days you will receive a short comma separated list of letters/numbers.  That is your phrase.  For the purposes of illustration, let's say the phrase you got is the 7 letter/number sequence d,r,a,g,o,n,4 . Then -and this is important- on that same day, go to the social site where you have been a member for 2 or more years, and post a public message that incorporates the phrase letters/numbers in sequence (make sure the message is posted in a public forum, where no login or special access is required). The message content itself is irrelevant. For example, for the sample letter/number sequence d,r,a,g,o,n,4 mentioned earlier, a sample matching message would be "Day or night I remember accessing great opportunities nearby the 4 establishments". Once you have posted the message, reply back to the OH4 phrase request email with 1) the URL of the posted message, and 2) the decoded message - meaning the message with the phrase letters/numbers in sequence highlighted.  For example, in the example message from earlier, the decoded message that you would email would look like "(D)ay o( r) night I remember (a)ccessing (g)reat opp(o)rtunities (n)earby the (4) establishments".

Case 5: You are a random anonymous internet user (Estimated Completion Time = 2 Years)

If you are a random internet user with no social media standing, at this time OH4 is not accepting applications.  What you can do is go to other social media sites and start building some reputation over there.  Once you have two years or more of credible reputation, you might see if you qualify for any of the cases mentioned earlier.

Regardless of the case that you fall under, if you think your account activation is stuck at some stage in the process feel free to email [email protected] and somebody in the staff will take a look at it.


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